
How Tea Changed the World

Four x 2.5 hour live webinars, taught by Knut Marius Uddu Skjerve, a lecturer in International Politics and a leading expert in tea and international politics.

This course is open to all, regardless of previous experience or study with the UK Tea Academy. For more details about the Higher Tea Diploma qualification, please email info@ukteaacademy.com



Something as simple as the desire for a cup of tea has changed the course of history. No other plant has had the same impact on global politics, spurring wars, revolutions, exploration of unknown lands, economic miracles, colonial exploitation and consumer culture.

We will follow the journey of the tea plant, a journey which began in the dense jungles of south-west China thousands of years ago. From there, it came to charm the entire Celestial empire, spread on horseback across the Tibetan plateau, and was used as currency on the Central Asian plains. It would spend months on ships crossing the Indian and Atlantic oceans to reach Europe and infatuate its aristocratic circles. Tea instigated fury on the American continent, and completely transformed the Indian economy and agriculture. Today, it is an extremely important cash crop and source of employment for millions of people which is deeply interlinked with tea’s increasing worldwide popularity. Sign up for the class now, and learn more about global political history from the point of view of Camellia sinensis.

About The Tutor
Knut Marius Uddu Skjerve is an aficionado of tea and international politics. He has a Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Anglo-American University in Prague, and is currently teaching international relations at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. He previously worked at the United Nations Association of Norway, giving lectures and hosting events on the United Nations and international politics. Knut Marius also is a UKTA certified tea sommelier, and has his own business in Norway through which he offers afternoon tea, tea tastings and tea lectures.



If you wish to continue studying for your Higher Tea Diploma, you will need to take further courses at this level and you must have already completed World Tea Diploma before the final qualification can be awarded.